Along The Way…Derby Day Self Portrait

May 15, 2011  •  Leave a Comment

It’s Sunday night and I’m just now getting around to editing my Kentucky Derby and Oaks images. Keep in mind I’m not lazy. I was working for Saint Joseph and their new hospital in Mt. Sterling at the first of the week, and then UK and their new hospital the rest of the week, through today. And oh yea, throw in a late night trip to Maysville for time exposures of  Spurlock Power Station. Plus, tackling 1,600 + photos takes time. I’ll post a Derby gallery sometime this week, but until then, here is a shot that I had forgotten about until I found it tonight. This was an accidental self-portrait of sorts. I was in the infield, fulfilling my 2:00 Courier-Journal deadline on Derby Hats. This young lady was very happy to see me and my camera, although I doubt her enthusiasm had anything to do with her amount of beer consumption. It was her birthday and she was looking to party with anyone willing! The thing I love most about the Kentucky Derby is the Social Contrast between those in the grand stands and those (crazies) in the infield.


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