Best of Show

June 11, 2021

When I first got serious about photography, while I was growing up in Powell County, I used to enter photos in the Powell County Fair every year. I won several first place ribbons, but I was never able to achieve the one prize that I wanted most, and that was Best of Show. It took many years, but I finally won a Best of Show in 2017 with a national organization called the Cooperative Communicators Association. This takes in all co-ops in the country, not just the electric cooperatives that I work for here in Kentucky. The award in 2017 was for a time-exposed night photo of East Kentucky Power's Cooper Station, a power plant in Burnside. 

This past week I won my second Best of Show with the same organization, this time with a photo that I took for Kentucky Living Magazine of a breed of horses known as Curly Horses playing in the snow in Lawrenceburg in February of 2020. I guess it says something about patience and endurance, and that good things come to those who wait. 

Photo by Tim Webb 202012 Master.indd202012 Master.indd
2020 Photo by Tim Webb

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